Terms & Conditions | TradeInt - Comprehensive Global Trade Data Platform

Terms & Condition

1. General: Subscribers are granted access to and utilization of the Services exclusively for internal business operations, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. This encompasses enabling Users to:
(a) View, copy, print, and/or download the Content within the guidelines outlined by the terms of Service/Agreement.
(b) Generate derivative works from the Content or through its utilization, and share such derivative works with Users. All Services obtained by Subscribers are provided by TradeInt or its licensors and are subject to the terms of Service/Agreement, including this Policy.
2. Changes: Throughout the Term, TradeInt reserves the right to amend or terminate the Services, which may involve adding, removing, or modifying features or functionality, as necessary to reflect changes in applicable law, regulations, technology, or data availability. Subscriber will be informed of any significant changes affecting their access to or use of the Services or discontinuation of any Services.
3. Rights: TradeInt hereby extends to Subscriber a revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable limited right to utilize the Services solely for their internal business operations during the Term, including enabling Users to:
(a) View, copy, print, and/or download the Content within the guidelines outlined by the terms of Service/Agreement.
(b) Generate derivative works from the Content or through its utilization, and share such derivative works with Users. TradeInt and its licensors retain all ownership and intellectual property rights to the Services, including any derivative works created by Subscriber, or anything developed or provided by TradeInt under the Agreement. Subscriber is not granted any intellectual property rights in the Services.
4. Limitations and Restrictions on Use: By accessing or utilizing TradeInt's services, you agree to adhere to the following limitations and restrictions on use. These restrictions apply to subscribers, their designated users, and any third parties accessing or utilizing TradeInt's services. (a) Program and Service Markings: You are prohibited from altering or removing any program or service markings, trademarks, or proprietary notices belonging to TradeInt, its affiliates, or licensors. (b) Prohibited Activities: Users are prohibited from engaging in any automated data collection activities, including but not limited to web scraping, data mining, or the use of robots, spiders, or other automated tools, without explicit permission from the website or service provider. (c) Intellectual Property Rights: Users acknowledge and agree that all content, including text, images, videos, and other materials, available on the website or service, is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Users may not extract, copy, or distribute this content without proper authorization.
(d) Access Restrictions: Access to certain areas of the website or service may be restricted or blocked for automated tools or excessive data requests. Users agree not to circumvent these restrictions or attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas.
(e) Rate Limiting: To prevent server overload and ensure fair access for all users, the website or service may impose rate limits on data requests. Users agree to abide by these rate limits and not to exceed them through automated means.
(f) Non-Commercial Use: Licensing, selling, or otherwise making available any data and services to third parties for commercial exploitation is prohibited. Unless otherwise specified, automated data collection activities are strictly prohibited for any purposes. Users agree not to use automated tools to gather data without explicit permission.
(g) Indemnification: Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless the website or service provider from any damages, losses, or liabilities arising out of their unauthorized use of automated tools or violation of these terms and conditions.
(h) Modification and Reverse Engineering: You may not modify, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, reproduce, republish, copy, or create derivative works of any part of the infrastructure.
(i) Framing and Mirroring: "Framing" or "mirroring" of any services provided through the Internet is not permitted.
(j) Benchmarking and Testing: Benchmarking, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, or any other form of testing of the services without explicit authorization is prohibited.
(k) Interference with Proper Operation: You may not use any device, software, or routine that could damage or interfere with the proper operation of the services.
(l) Service Operation: Inhibiting the operation of the services, engaging in denial of service attacks, or conducting search queries deemed abusive by TradeInt is prohibited.
(m) Competitive Products and Services: Developing, supporting, or assisting in the development of products or services that directly compete with TradeInt's services is not allowed.
(n) Account Usage: Subscriber accounts are issued on a license per user basis. Users must not share, transfer, or rent out their account credentials to others. Each user must have their own individual account credentials.
(o) Unlawful Use: Accessing or using the services for unlawful purposes or in a manner intended to harass or cause damage to any person or property is not permitted. Violation of these terms may result in legal action and termination of access to TradeInt services. Users are expected to adhere to these provisions to ensure lawful and respectful use of the services.
(p) Termination of Access: The website or service provider reserves the right to terminate or suspend access to users engaging in unauthorized data collection activities or violating these terms and conditions.
(q) Modification of Terms: These limitations and restrictions on data crawl and robot software usage may be modified or updated by the website or service provider at any time. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms and conditions for any changes.
5. No Refund Policy: All subscriptions and services are issued on a license basis and are non-refundable. By subscribing to or utilizing TradeInt's services, you acknowledge and agree that no refunds will be issued for any reason, including but not limited to, unused services, partial usage, or dissatisfaction with the services.
6. Disclaimers: TradeInt does not guarantee the availability, provision, quality, accuracy, integrity, or reliability of the services, and they are provided "as is". TradeInt does not warrant that the services will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that they will meet subscriber’s expectations. Except as prohibited by law, TradeInt, its affiliates, and licensors disclaim all warranties.
7. Limitation of Liability: TradeInt, its affiliates, and licensors shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages, or any loss of revenue, profits, data, goodwill, or reputation. TradeInt's aggregate liability under the Agreement shall not exceed the total amounts paid by the subscriber for the services during the preceding twelve (12) months.
8. Indemnification: Subscriber agrees to defend and indemnify TradeInt against any claims arising out of or in connection with breaches of the Agreement or violations of applicable law by Subscriber or any User, materials furnished by Subscriber or any User, or disputes between Subscriber or any User.
9. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any disclosed Confidential Information and to use it solely in connection with the Agreement. Confidential Information shall not include certain information as outlined in the Agreement. The Receiver agrees to protect the Confidential Information and restrict its disclosure to authorized representatives.
10. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for failure or delay in performance due to conditions beyond its control, such as acts of God, governmental restrictions, or natural disasters. If a Force Majeure Event continues for more than thirty (30) days, either party may cancel unperformed Services.
11. Dispute Resolution: Disputes shall be resolved through good faith negotiations between the parties, with escalation to senior officers if necessary.
12. Miscellaneous: The Agreement may not be assigned without prior consent. The parties are independent contractors, and no partnership or agency relationship is created. Failure to enforce any provision of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver. Each party agrees to comply with applicable laws. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements.
13. Definitions: Various terms used in the Agreement are defined for clarity, including "Affiliate," "Confidential Information," "Credentials," "Infrastructure," "Materials," "Representative," "Services," "Trademarks," and "User."
14. Governing Law: Any disputes arising from the interpretation or enforcement of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the website or service provider is based.