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Understanding Armenia Trade Data

Armenia Trade Data Trade Intelligence Global Pte Lte TradeInt Global Trade Data Platform Bill of Lading Shipping Data Import and Export Data and Customs Data

Table of Contents

Summary: Bill of Lading Data, a pivotal component of international trade, encapsulates crucial information facilitating seamless cross-border transactions. It comprises comprehensive details regarding shipment volumes, tariffs, duties, and regulatory mandates enforced by customs authorities. By harnessing Bill of Lading Data, businesses gain insights into trade patterns, market trends, and compliance obligations. Leveraging advanced analytics tools, such as predictive modeling, enables forecasting of demand fluctuations, optimization of supply chains, and detection of fraudulent activities. Integration of Bill of Lading Data with sales and supply chain information enhances operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. Emerging technologies like blockchain and AI revolutionize data management, ensuring security, transparency, and interoperability. Amidst geopolitical uncertainties, standardization efforts by international organizations like the WTO promote consistency and reliability in Bill of Lading Data practices. Businesses navigating this dynamic landscape must prioritize data integrity, compliance, and innovation to thrive in the global marketplace.

Introduction of Armenia

In today’s globalized world, international trade is the lifeblood of many businesses, and for Armenia, it’s a crucial avenue for economic growth and development. Understanding customs data is paramount for Armenian businesses venturing into global commerce or seeking to expand their reach. Customs data encompasses vital information essential for facilitating the smooth flow of goods across international borders, including import and export statistics, tariffs, duties, and regulatory requirements enforced by customs authorities.


Customs data forms the foundation of Armenia’s international trade operations, providing critical insights into the movement and regulation of goods. Import and export statistics offer a comprehensive view of trade volumes, aiding Armenian businesses in gauging market demand and identifying growth opportunities. Additionally, knowledge of tariffs, duties, and regulatory requirements ensures compliance with trade laws and standards, safeguarding the integrity of trade transactions and protecting consumers’ interests.


This blog post aims to be a guide for Armenian businesses, navigating them through the complexities of customs data. We’ll delve into its significance, exploring how this wealth of information can empower Armenian enterprises to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. From understanding customs regulations to harnessing data analytics, we’ll equip Armenian businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate customs data effectively and optimize their international trade operations.


Throughout this journey, we’ll explore the various types of customs data available and their roles in Armenia’s international trade. From basic trade statistics to advanced analytics, we’ll uncover the breadth and depth of customs data and its potential applications for Armenian businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether they seek to optimize supply chains, mitigate risks, or identify market trends, customs data offers a wealth of opportunities waiting to be harnessed by Armenian enterprises.


So, Armenian businesses, let’s embark on this enlightening journey together. Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of international trade or a seasoned industry veteran, there’s always something new to learn and discover. By leveraging the insights gleaned from customs data, Armenian enterprises can chart a course for success, driving efficiency, profitability, and growth in the global marketplace.

Armenia Economy Overview

Armenia, situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is a landlocked country in the South Caucasus region, bordered by Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, Iran to the south, and Turkey to the west. With a rich cultural heritage spanning millennia, Armenia boasts a legacy of ancient civilizations, including the Kingdom of Urartu and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, alongside a vibrant contemporary society.


Despite its small size, Armenia is characterized by diverse landscapes, ranging from rugged mountain ranges to fertile valleys. Mount Ararat, a symbol of Armenian identity, dominates the skyline and holds deep cultural significance as the legendary resting place of Noah’s Ark.


Economically, Armenia has transitioned from a centrally planned economy under Soviet rule to a market-oriented system following independence in 1991. The country’s economy is driven by sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and services, with a burgeoning technology sector emerging in recent years. Yerevan, the capital city, serves as a hub of commerce, culture, and innovation, attracting both domestic and international investment.


Armenia faces various challenges, including geopolitical tensions, regional conflicts, and economic disparities. The unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan remains a significant issue, affecting stability and hindering development efforts. Additionally, the country grapples with emigration due to economic hardships and limited opportunities, leading to a shrinking population and brain drain.


Nevertheless, Armenia continues to strive for progress and development, leveraging its human capital, rich cultural heritage, and strategic location to foster economic growth and regional cooperation. With ongoing reforms, investments in education and technology, and a resilient spirit, Armenia is poised to overcome challenges and realize its potential as a dynamic and prosperous nation in the heart of the Caucasus.

Armenia February 2024 Trade Statistics

Armenia Trade Overview – February 2024

CategoryTotal ValueTotal WeightTotal Quantity
Total$6,251,868,8121,320,663,781 units1,632,144,835 units


Armenia Bill of Lading Data

At its essence, Bill of Lading Data plays a pivotal role in facilitating international trade by offering insights into the movement of goods across borders. It encompasses a broad spectrum of information, with each facet critical for ensuring the smooth flow of trade and adherence to regulatory frameworks in Armenia:


1. Import and Export Volumes:
Accurately quantifying the volume and value of goods entering and leaving Armenia is essential for analyzing trade patterns and trends. By monitoring import and export volumes over time, businesses can pinpoint emerging markets, assess demand trends, and optimize their supply chain operations accordingly. Furthermore, understanding import and export volumes allows businesses in Armenia to anticipate fluctuations in demand, fine-tune inventory levels, and seize market opportunities.


2. Tariffs and Duties:
A thorough understanding of applicable tariffs and duties is indispensable for calculating the cost implications of importing or exporting goods and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards in Armenia. Tariffs, imposed by customs authorities, represent levies on imported goods and can significantly affect the cost competitiveness of products in foreign markets. Similarly, duties, which are charges imposed on specific imports, directly influence the profitability of international trade transactions for Armenian businesses. By staying informed about tariff rates and duty structures, businesses in Armenia can accurately gauge landed costs, assess pricing strategies, and optimize their trade operations to maintain competitiveness in global markets.


3. Trade Regulations:
Comprehending the regulatory framework governing international trade is vital for businesses in Armenia, navigating customs procedures, and sidestepping potential obstacles. Trade regulations encompass a diverse array of legal frameworks, including import/export controls, licensing prerequisites, and trade agreements. Adhering to these regulations is imperative to ensure seamless customs clearance and avoid penalties or sanctions. By staying updated on trade regulations, businesses in Armenia can minimize compliance risks, expedite customs procedures, and uphold a solid reputation for reliability and integrity in the global marketplace.


4. Product Classification:
Precise classification of goods according to standardized codes such as the Harmonized System (HS) streamlines customs clearance processes and ensures adherence to import/export regulations in Armenia. The HS serves as an internationally standardized system for categorizing products based on their attributes and composition. Each product is assigned a unique HS code, utilized by customs authorities to ascertain applicable tariffs, duties, and regulatory requirements. By accurately classifying products, businesses in Armenia can streamline customs clearance procedures, minimize delays, and avert costly compliance errors.


In summary, Bill of Lading Data offers a comprehensive overview of international trade activities in Armenia, empowering businesses to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and optimize their trade operations. By leveraging the insights derived from Bill of Lading Data, businesses in Armenia can navigate the complexities of global trade with confidence, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maximizing opportunities for growth and profitability in the global marketplace.

Armenia's Trade Performance in February 2024

2 Digit HS CodeTotal Value

In February 2024, Armenia’s trade data highlights substantial activity in various 2-digit HS code categories, with a grand total value of $31,259,344,062. Leading the chart is HS code 71, which alone contributed an impressive $4,064,301,159. Following this, HS code 85 accounted for $387,169,083.4, reflecting the significance of these goods in Armenia’s trade portfolio.


Other notable contributions include HS code 27 with $207,903,072.8 and HS code 84 with $190,640,841.7, indicating a diverse range of high-value traded goods. Additionally, HS codes 26 and 87 added $162,449,606.5 and $103,016,340.1, respectively, further showcasing the extensive and varied nature of Armenia’s trade.


Lower, but still significant, contributions came from HS code 62 with $83,649,291, HS code 90 with $78,859,964.52, HS code 22 with $68,138,960.76, and HS code 72 with $63,586,415.76. These figures collectively underscore the broad spectrum of goods Armenia engages in trading, highlighting the country’s robust participation in international markets.

2 Digit HS CodeTotal Weight


In February 2024, Armenia’s trade activities encompassed a substantial amount of goods by weight, distributed across various 2-digit HS code categories, with a grand total weight of 1,562,967,979.43 units. Leading the list is HS code 27, which alone accounted for a massive 561,639,935.1 units, underscoring its prominence in Armenia’s trade portfolio.


Following HS code 27, HS code 25 contributed significantly with a total weight of 113,349,264 units. HS code 10 also had a notable presence, weighing in at 75,812,907.26 units, further reflecting the diversity of goods traded by Armenia.


Other notable entries include HS code 26 with 69,331,972.46 units and HS code 72 with 50,491,798.1 units, indicating the importance of these categories. Additionally, HS codes 22 and 44 added 47,753,406.28 units and 28,589,613.9 units, respectively, highlighting the range of goods contributing to the trade weight.


Rounding out the list are HS code 70 with 23,836,059.2 units, HS code 08 with 22,756,744.16 units, and HS code 68 with 22,507,279.97 units. These figures collectively demonstrate Armenia’s extensive engagement in international trade by weight, emphasizing the country’s diverse and dynamic trading activities.

2 Digit HS CodeTotal Quantity


Armenia Trade Data – February 2024

Armenia Trade Data – February 2024

In February 2024, Armenia’s trade activities included a significant volume of goods across various 2-digit HS code categories, with a grand total quantity of 1,544,038,056.75 units. Here is a detailed breakdown of the top categories by total quantity:

  • HS code 27 leads the list with an overwhelming quantity of 561,883,327.1 units, indicating its major role in Armenia’s trade.
  • HS code 01 follows with a substantial 356,248,944 units, showcasing the importance of this category.
  • HS code 25 contributes a significant amount, totaling 113,349,263.8 units.
  • HS code 10 has a notable presence with 75,812,907.26 units.
  • HS code 26 is next, with a total quantity of 69,331,972.46 units.
  • HS code 72 adds 50,491,798.1 units to the trade volume.
  • HS code 08 comes in with 22,756,744.16 units.
  • HS code 68 follows closely with 22,507,279.97 units.
  • HS code 70 contributes 20,657,056 units.
  • HS code 39 rounds out the list with 19,745,763.81 units.

This data highlights the diverse and extensive nature of Armenia’s trade activities, reflecting a wide range of goods traded in significant quantities.

Details of the HS Code

  • HS code 27 – Mineral fuels, oils, and distillation products
  • HS code 01 – Live animals; animal products
  • HS code 25 – Salt; sulfur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement
  • HS code 10 – Cereals
  • HS code 26 – Ores, slag, and ash
  • HS code 72 – Iron and steel
  • HS code 08 – Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons
  • HS code 68 – Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials
  • HS code 70 – Glass and glassware
  • HS code 39 – Plastics and articles thereof

This data highlights the diverse and extensive nature of Armenia’s trade activities, reflecting a wide range of goods traded in significant quantities.


Unveiling the Power of Armenia Bill of Lading Data Analytics

Beyond its regulatory functions, Bill of Lading Data holds immense potential for strategic decision-making and market intelligence in Armenia. By leveraging the power of data analytics tools, Armenian businesses can delve into patterns, pinpoint emerging opportunities, and mitigate risks across various facets of their operations. Let’s explore the expansive landscape of Bill of Lading Data and its multifaceted applications:


1. Forecasting Demand:
Bill of Lading Data provides valuable insights into import and export trends, enabling businesses in Armenia to anticipate shifts in demand for specific products or categories. By scrutinizing historical trade data, Armenian businesses can uncover seasonal patterns, emerging consumer preferences, and market trends. This insight allows them to fine-tune production schedules, optimize inventory levels, and tailor marketing strategies to meet evolving customer demands effectively.


2. Optimizing Supply Chains:
The analytical capabilities of Bill of Lading Data extend to supply chain management, where businesses in Armenia can harness insights to boost operational efficiency and minimize costs. Through the analysis of transit times, shipping routes, and customs clearance processes, Armenian businesses can identify bottlenecks, streamline logistics operations, and enhance the flow of goods from suppliers to end customers. Moreover, Bill of Lading Data empowers Armenian businesses to explore alternative sourcing strategies, mitigate supply chain disruptions, and bolster resilience in the face of unforeseen events such as natural disasters or geopolitical tensions.


3. Detecting Fraudulent Activities:
Bill of Lading Data serves as a robust tool for uncovering fraudulent activities such as smuggling, counterfeit goods, and illicit trade practices in Armenia. By closely examining trade patterns, discrepancies in declared values, and anomalies in shipment volumes, Armenian businesses can flag potential red flags indicative of fraudulent behavior. Furthermore, employing data analytics techniques like anomaly detection and predictive modeling enables Armenian businesses to proactively identify and address potential risks, safeguarding their reputation and financial interests.


4. Market Intelligence and Competitive Analysis:
In addition to operational insights, Bill of Lading Data furnishes valuable market intelligence that businesses in Armenia can leverage to gain a competitive edge. Through the analysis of import and export trends, market share dynamics, and competitor activities, Armenian businesses can identify emerging market opportunities, evaluate the competitive landscape, and devise targeted strategies to distinguish themselves from competitors. Furthermore, Bill of Lading Data empowers Armenian businesses to monitor changes in trade policies, tariffs, and regulatory frameworks, enabling them to adapt swiftly to market developments and capitalize on new growth opportunities.


In today’s dynamic business environment, the analytical prowess of Bill of Lading Data is indispensable for businesses in Armenia striving to thrive in the global marketplace. By harnessing the wealth of information encapsulated within Bill of Lading Data and leveraging advanced analytics tools, Armenian businesses can derive actionable insights, make informed decisions, and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive landscape. From forecasting demand to optimizing supply chains and detecting fraudulent activities, Bill of Lading Data presents a plethora of opportunities for businesses in Armenia to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth in today’s interconnected world.

Practical Tips for Using Armenia Bill of Lading Data

For newcomers stepping into the world of international trade in Armenia, deciphering Bill of Lading Data might appear daunting at first. But fret not, as we offer practical guidance to jumpstart your journey and effectively harness the power of Bill of Lading Data:


1. Acquaint Yourself with Relevant Trade Terminology and Classification Codes:
Mastery of the language of international trade is vital for accurately interpreting customs documents in Armenia. Familiarize yourself with essential trade terminology such as Incoterms (International Commercial Terms), delineating the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in global transactions. Additionally, grasp classification codes like the Harmonized System (HS) codes, which categorize goods for customs purposes. Proficiency in these terms and codes will empower you to navigate customs documents with confidence and precision.


2. Utilize Online Platforms and Databases for Comprehensive Bill of Lading Data:
In today’s digital era, accessing Bill of Lading Data has never been more convenient for businesses in Armenia. Leverage online platforms and databases offering comprehensive Bill of Lading Data, encompassing trade statistics, tariff schedules, and trade agreements. Websites like the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations Comtrade, and national customs authorities’ portals furnish valuable resources for obtaining up-to-date information on import and export regulations, tariff rates, and trade accords in Armenia. By leveraging these online resources, you can gain invaluable insights into global trade dynamics and make well-informed decisions for your business.


3. Collaborate with Customs Brokers or Trade Consultants:
Navigating the intricate regulatory landscapes of international trade demands expertise and guidance in Armenia. Collaborate with customs brokers or trade consultants well-versed in customs procedures, regulations, and requirements across diverse jurisdictions. These professionals can offer invaluable assistance in completing customs documentation, navigating regulatory complexities, and ensuring compliance with import/export regulations specific to Armenia. By tapping into their expertise, you can streamline your customs clearance process and mitigate the risk of costly compliance errors or delays.


4. Invest in Data Visualization Tools for Actionable Insights:
Raw Bill of Lading Data can be overwhelming to analyze and interpret in Armenia. Invest in data visualization tools that transform raw data into visually engaging and actionable insights. Visualization tools like charts, graphs, and dashboards enable swift identification of trends, patterns, and outliers in your Bill of Lading Data specific to Armenia. By visualizing your data, you can gain deeper insights into your trade activities, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed decisions for strategic planning and business growth.


In summary, by adhering to these practical tips, novices in Armenia can navigate Bill of Lading Data with confidence and unlock its full potential for their international trade endeavors. From mastering trade terminology to leveraging online resources, collaborating with experts, and investing in data visualization tools, myriad strategies exist to effectively harness the power of Bill of Lading Data in Armenia. Armed with the requisite knowledge and tools to navigate Bill of Lading Data, you can embark on your international trade journey with confidence and success in Armenia.

Advanced Techniques for Armenia Trade Data

For experienced traders in Armenia aiming to derive maximum value from Bill of Lading Data, here are advanced techniques that delve deeper into the wealth of insights it offers:


1. Implement Predictive Analytics Models:
Predictive analytics emerges as a potent tool for forecasting future trends and facilitating proactive decision-making in Armenia. By harnessing historical Bill of Lading Data, businesses can develop predictive analytics models to foresee shifts in market dynamics and refine inventory management strategies. These models scrutinize past trade patterns, market trends, and external factors to predict future demand, identify potential risks, and optimize inventory levels. By anticipating fluctuations in demand, businesses in Armenia can mitigate stockouts, minimize excess inventory, and fine-tune their supply chain operations for optimal efficiency and profitability.


2. Explore Data Integration Solutions:
Bill of Lading Data serves as one facet within the broader landscape of business operations in Armenia. To gain a comprehensive understanding of their operations, businesses can explore data integration solutions that seamlessly amalgamate Bill of Lading Data with other sources, such as sales data or supply chain information. Integrating Bill of Lading Data with sales data provides insights into customer preferences, market trends, and sales performance, empowering businesses in Armenia to tailor their product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly. Similarly, integrating Bill of Lading Data with supply chain information enables businesses to track the movement of goods from suppliers to customers, identify bottlenecks, and optimize logistics operations for cost-effectiveness and efficiency gains.


3. Embrace Automation Technologies:
Automation technologies offer a myriad of opportunities to streamline customs clearance processes, alleviate administrative burdens, and enhance operational efficiency in Armenia. By embracing technologies like robotic process automation (RPA), businesses can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, document processing, and compliance checks, liberating valuable time and resources for more strategic endeavors. Moreover, employing advanced machine learning algorithms can automate the classification of goods, mitigating errors and expediting customs clearance processes. Embracing automation technologies enables businesses in Armenia to expedite customs clearance times, mitigate compliance risks, and enhance overall productivity and competitiveness in the global marketplace.


In summary, for seasoned traders in Armenia, maximizing the value of Bill of Lading Data necessitates advanced techniques that transcend basic analysis. By implementing predictive analytics models, exploring data integration solutions, and embracing automation technologies, businesses in Armenia can unlock deeper insights, optimize their operations, and attain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape. By harnessing the full potential of Bill of Lading Data, seasoned traders in Armenia can stay ahead of the curve, anticipate market trends, and foster sustainable growth and profitability in the global marketplace.


In conclusion, Bill of Lading Data serves as a cornerstone of international trade, providing invaluable insights and facilitating smooth cross-border transactions, even in Armenia. The wealth of information contained within Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data not only enables businesses to comply with regulatory requirements but also empowers them to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace, particularly in Armenia’s context.


By understanding the significance of Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data and implementing effective strategies for leveraging it, businesses in Armenia can unlock a multitude of benefits. One of the primary advantages is enhanced risk management. By analyzing Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data, businesses can identify potential risks such as customs duties, trade restrictions, or compliance issues and take proactive measures to mitigate them. This proactive approach not only minimizes the likelihood of disruptions but also helps safeguard the reputation and financial stability of the organization, crucial aspects for businesses operating in Armenia.


Moreover, Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data serves as a powerful tool for market intelligence and strategic planning in Armenia. By analyzing import and export trends specific to Armenia’s trade landscape, businesses can identify emerging markets, assess demand patterns, and tailor their product offerings to meet evolving customer needs within Armenia and its neighboring regions. Additionally, Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data provides valuable insights into competitors’ activities, enabling businesses in Armenia to benchmark their performance, identify market gaps, and capitalize on untapped opportunities in the local and regional markets.


Furthermore, Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data plays a vital role in supply chain optimization in Armenia. By analyzing transit times, shipping routes, and customs clearance processes relevant to Armenia’s geographical location and trade routes, businesses can streamline their supply chains, reduce lead times, and minimize logistical costs. This optimization not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring timely delivery of goods, which is particularly crucial for businesses serving the Armenian market.


In today’s increasingly interconnected world, Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data also serves as a catalyst for trade facilitation and economic growth, particularly in the context of Armenia’s participation in regional trade agreements and initiatives. By fostering transparency, predictability, and efficiency in cross-border transactions, Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data contributes to the expansion of international trade, the creation of jobs, and the stimulation of economic development in Armenia and its neighboring regions. Moreover, initiatives such as electronic customs clearance systems and harmonized trade procedures further enhance the effectiveness of Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data in promoting trade facilitation and reducing trade barriers, which is vital for Armenia’s economic growth and integration into the global marketplace.


So, whether you’re a newcomer to the world of international trade or a seasoned industry veteran in Armenia, let Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data be your guiding light on the path to success in the global marketplace. By harnessing the insights gleaned from Armenia’s Bill of Lading Data and leveraging them to inform your business strategies, you can navigate the complexities of global trade with confidence and achieve sustainable growth and prosperity in Armenia’s unique economic landscape.


The accuracy of Bill of Lading Data directly impacts the efficiency of international trade operations. Inaccurate data can lead to delays in customs clearance, increased costs due to fines or penalties, and disruptions in supply chain logistics.


Yes, some common challenges include navigating complex regulatory frameworks, dealing with inconsistencies in data formats across different jurisdictions, and ensuring data integrity and security throughout the supply chain.


Blockchain technology offers a decentralized and tamper-proof ledger system that can enhance the security, transparency, and traceability of Bill of Lading Data, thereby reducing fraud and streamlining trade processes.

Yes, AI and machine learning algorithms can automate data analysis, identify patterns and anomalies in Bill of Lading Data, and generate actionable insights to improve decision-making and operational efficiency.

Geopolitical factors and trade tensions can disrupt supply chains, affect trade regulations, and lead to fluctuations in trade volumes, thereby impacting the reliability and availability of Bill of Lading Data.


International organizations like the WTO work to establish standards and frameworks for trade documentation, including Bill of Lading Data, to promote consistency, transparency, and interoperability in global trade.


Businesses can leverage data integration platforms and technologies to consolidate and analyze Bill of Lading Data alongside other trade-related data sources, enabling them to gain a holistic view of their trade operations and identify optimization opportunities.


Yes, emerging trends include the adoption of digital Bill of Lading solutions, the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for real-time tracking and monitoring of shipments, and the exploration of blockchain-based platforms for secure and transparent trade documentation.


Businesses can stay informed about changes in regulations, invest in compliance training for staff members, and implement robust data governance frameworks to ensure adherence to evolving regulatory requirements related to Bill of Lading Data.



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1. Introduction
We take our responsibilities under the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 seriously. We also recognize the importance of the personal data you have entrusted to us and believe that it is our responsibility to properly manage, protect and process your personal data.
This Privacy Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, disclose and/or process the personal data you have provided to us, as well as to assist you in making an informed decision before providing us with any of your personal data.
If you, at any time, have any queries on this policy or any other queries in relation to how we may manage, protect and/or process your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer (the “DPO”) at the contact details below.
This Privacy Policy (together with our Website Terms of Use) sets out the basis on which we use and process any personal data we collect from you as a user of our Website. By accessing our Website, you hereby agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.
In addition, our Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, affiliates or other third parties. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies. As these websites are not owned or operated by us, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for the contents of these websites and their privacy policies and you access and provide your personal data to these third-party websites at your own risk. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to any such websites.
2. Personal data we collect
We may collect and process personal data about you such as:
(a) Personal data that you may provide when submitting or making available personal data to, our Website. This includes but is not limited to any personal data provided when you contact us through our contact page such as your name, email address and contact details.
(b) If you contact us for any reason, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
(c) Personal data that may be captured via any error logging and reporting tool that captures error report data and, at your option and with your consent, sends this data to us in order for us to be informed of any software errors or problems that may occur during your use of our Website or the services provided on it.
(d) Details of your visits to our Website, the activities you engage in when accessing our Website and the resources that you access on or via our Website.
3. Cookies
We use cookies on our Website. A cookie is a text file that a website transfers to your computer’s hard disk so that the website can remember who you are. Cookies only record those areas of a website that have been visited by your computer and for how long.
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the setting in your browser. If you would like to do this, please see the help menu of your browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of our Website if cookies are disabled.
4. How we use your personal data
We may use your personal data that we possess for the following purposes:
(a) to process, administer and/or manage your Member account with us and contact you as may from time to time be necessary in connection with your use of our Website and/or the Services made available on it;
(b) to contact you through the contact information provided by you in order to provide you with information that you request from us;
(c) to manage and administer your use of our Website and contact you as may from time to time be necessary in connection with your use of our Website;
(d) To collect information relating to your online interactions with us (including, for example, your IP address and the pages you view) so that we can offer you a more consistent and personalized experience in your relationship with us and better serve your needs by customizing the content that we share with you;
(e) to store, host and/or back up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) your personal data, whether within or outside Singapore;
(f) for record-keeping purposes;
(g) to conduct research, analysis and development activities (including but not limited to data analytics, surveys and/or profiling) to improve our Website, services and facilities in order to enhance the services we provide to you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes;
(h) to perform credit risk, know-your-customer, anti-money laundering / countering the financing of terrorism, financial and other relevant risk assessments and checks on you;
(i) to responding to legal process, pursuing legal rights and remedies, defending litigation and managing any complaints or claims;
(j) to respond to requests for information from public and governmental / regulatory authorities, statutory boards, related companies and for audit, compliance, investigation and inspection purposes;(k) to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request;
(l) to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and [insert name of Platform Agreement]; or
(m) to protect the rights, property or safety of any person (including for the purposes of fraud detection and prevention).
5. Disclosure of your information
Your personal data may be used, disclosed, maintained, accessed, processed and/or transferred to the following third parties, whether sited in Singapore or outside of Singapore (including the People’s Republic of China), for one or more of the purposes set out above:
(a) our headquarters, subsidiaries and group companies;
(b) third party service providers which require the processing of your data, for example, third party service providers which have been engaged by us to: (i) to provide and maintain any IT equipment used to store and access your personal information; (ii) to host and maintain our Website; or 
(iii) otherwise in connection with the provision of certain services provided to you on or via our Website;
(c) our auditors and legal advisors;
(d) public and governmental/regulatory authorities, statutory boards, industry associations; and /or
(e) courts and other alternative dispute forums.
In certain circumstances we may provide third parties (whether or not located in Singapore) with aggregate information about our Website’s users. This may include information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This is anonymized statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual. If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our Website Terms of Use; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of any person (including for example for the purposes of fraud detection and prevention). Please rest assured that we never sell or rent your personal data.
6. Transfer of your personal data outside of Singapore
The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, used, processed and stored outside of Singapore for one or more of the purposes set out above. By submitting your personal data and/or using our Website, you agree and consent to such transfer, storing or processing.
We have entered into contractual undertakings to ensure that the personal data which we collect from you and transfer to our service providers (whether or not located in Singapore) is adequately protected.
We will take reasonable steps to maintain appropriate physical, technical and administrative security to help prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification of your personal information.
7. Updating your information
Where you submit your personal data on our Website, you should try to ensure such personal data is accurate, and let us know if such personal data changes so that we are not holding any inaccurate personal data about you.
8. Your rights
You may withdraw your consent for us to collect, use, disclose and/or process your personal data for some or all of the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy.
You may request to access and/or correct the personal data currently in our possession by writing to the Data Protection Officer using the contact details provided below. Please note that we may charge you a reasonable fee for the handling and processing of your requests to access your personal data.
9. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to amend the terms of this Privacy Policy at our absolute discretion. Any amended privacy policy will be posted on our Website. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we have made as they are binding on you. Your continued use of our Website and/or the services made available on or via our Website following any amendment of this Privacy Policy will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms.
10. Further information about protection of personal data and the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012
If you want to contact us with specific queries or concerns in relation to this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions or complaints as to how your personal data is collected, used, disclosed and/or processed by us, please contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].