TradeInt - Trade Intelligence Platform | Comprehensive Global Trade Data Platform

Your Trusted Source for Global Trade Intelligence

TradeInt, the most trusted trade intelligence platform for import and export data crafted to empower businesses.

Most Reliable Trade Intelligence Platform

TradeInt sources granular trade data globally, with an coverage of over 90% of global trade. Our billions of trade data are enriched with standardized company profiles, ports, trade information, and more. Considered an industry benchmark, TradeInt provides the most accurate data on Incoterms, shipment value, weight, HS codes, and more.

Trusted By 1000+ Businesses in Global Supply Chains

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Join a community of businesses that trust TradeInt for unparalleled visibility into global supply chains.

Discover new opportunities across global markets through in-depth company profiles with TradeInt. Access detailed global trade data and insights on over 400 million global companies, including details about their trading partners, products, trade volume, shipments, pricing, and contact information.

Trading Partners

Details Relationships Shipments


Import/Export HSCode


Sorting Trends
400M Global Companies

Trade Volume

Trends Analyse

Contact Information

Email Phone Address


Import/Export Visualisation
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Global Trade Dynamics

Pattern Percent Analyse


Import/Export HSCode


Value Weight Quantity


Shipments Analyse

Logistics Companies

Import/Export Trade

Trade Lanes



Product Trading Volume
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Utilize TradeInt's Trade Data Analytics to identify global supply chain trends and market intelligence. Leverage big data trend analytics to generate insights on global trade dynamics, products or commodities, trade lanes, logistics companies, ports, countries, and more.

Stay ahead of the competition by monitoring their supply chains with TradeInt. Gain a competitive edge by delving into your competitors' supply chain networks, acquiring in-depth insights into their suppliers, customers, sourcing strategies, trade volumes, trends, and more.


Details Relationships Shipments


Information Transaction Details

Sourcing Strategies

Comparative Trends

Trade Volume

Trends Analyse


Vsualisation Growth Rate
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Explore the Key Features of TradeInt

Universal Search

Browse through billions of shipment records globally with ease. Leverage various search criteria and filters for instant, relevant insights.

Generate Most Targeted Prospect List

Utilize detailed global trade data and advanced filters functions to identify prospects using historical trade records.

Email Alerts & Updates

Make timely decisions backed by the latest trade insights with email alerts and updates for businesses, trade lanes, products, and more.

Big Data Analytics

Analyze YoY, QoQ, or MoM trends and ranking for importers, exporters, products, etc.

Generate reports for comprehensive discussions with stakeholders.

Granular Shipment Data & Insights

Gain detailed intelligence on global shipments, trading partners, hs codes, values and more.

Download or save data with a single click for future reference.

Detailed Company Profiles

Access trading activity of 400Mn+ companies globally.

Identify key trading partners, products, pricing strategies, and more.

AI Enriched Trade Data Analytics with Intuitive UI

TradeInt is purpose-built, utilizing proprietary AI and ML algorithms to compile, standardize, and enrich global trade data from multiple sources. We empower businesses to derive actionable insights and make informed decisions for their global supply chains.

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Recognised by Leading Industry Leaders

95% of users increased their revenue after using TradeInt.

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Our Features

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Trade Data

Unlock the power of international trade with our robust trade data services. Gain access to detailed insights on the exchange of goods and services between countries or regions. From volume and value analysis to information on trade partners, tariffs, and policies, our trade data solutions empower businesses, policymakers, and analysts to make well-informed decisions in the global marketplace.

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Prospect Data

Discover potential customers like never before with our prospect data solutions. Our extensive database offers valuable information on demographics, contact details, purchasing behaviors, and more. Leverage this data to identify and engage with promising leads, tailor your marketing strategies, and ultimately convert prospects into loyal customers.

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Market Insight

Stay ahead of the curve with our market insight services. Dive deep into market trends, consumer preferences, competitor landscapes, and emerging opportunities. Our actionable intelligence derived from thorough market research and analysis equips businesses with the knowledge needed to refine their strategies, seize new opportunities, and thrive in dynamic industries.

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AI Assistant

Experience seamless productivity with our AI assistant solutions. Our virtual assistants harness the power of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to assist you in various tasks. From scheduling appointments to answering queries and managing tasks, our AI assistants are designed to streamline workflows and enhance user experiences across different platforms and devices.

Enriched Global Trade Data for Informed Decision-Making

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